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Canal Park
Park Hours: 8:00 am - 10:00 pm
Hold An Event

At this time, four types of events fit with park utilization patterns and city guidance regarding gatherings:

  1. Weekend morning, rules-of-the-road 5k charitable walks
  2. Pop-up brand activations using the plaza area at 3rd/Water Streets SE
  3. Scheduled and approved morning and mid-day group fitness classes coordinated through park staff
  4. Scheduled and approved pop-ups and programs coordinated through the Capitol Riverfront BID.

All of these events involve a fee structure and partnership that supports the maintenance of and improvements to the parks. Fee structure for walks and marketing events begin at $5,000.

Currently, neither park can support private events (including weddings), larger corporate programs, movie screenings, concerts, fashion shows, or festivals.


Per DC Public Park Rules, parties of 25 or fewer people lasting less than 2 hours can be held if they meet the following requirements:

  • No alcohol or smoking
  • No commercial vendors (on-site catering, hired entertainment i.e. moon bounce, performers, etc.)
  • No outside tables and chairs, and use of no more than 2 park tables and 6 park chairs.
  • No amplified sound
  • The park will be used on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • The park will be used non-exclusively, meaning no part of the park will be closed off.
  • The park must be left as it was found – leave nothing behind, including decorations.
  • Any violation of these conditions may result in fines.
  • Staff and/or security in Yards Park and/or Canal Park are authorized to intervene at any time to ensure that conditions are being followed.
  • If your desired event exceeds these requirements or cannot proceed with the limited use of tables/chairs, Yards Park and Canal Park are not a match for your event needs.

The Parks Team will respond to all submissions within ten (10) business days. Due to our large volume of requests, this form MUST be submitted in order to receive consideration.


  • Inquiries must be received at least one (1) month in advance for full consideration.
  • Events are neither confirmed nor allowed to proceed until a staff-led walk-through has taken place, a contract has been issued and signed, and the associated fees have been collected.
  • Estimated fees will only be given AFTER this form has been submitted and reviewed. Fee structure for walks and marketing events begin at $5,000.
  • Why is there a fee? All fees are used to grow, maintain, and improve the park's beauty and functionality.

Thank you for respecting the rules of the parks and their popularity with park users.


Event Inquiry Form